Some people say that if you want to be a serious writer you have to say "no" to friends, parties, family, etc. I just can't seem to do it.

I thought I was going to Connecticut, in June, for research, as I finish up my first draft on the Huntington family of Norwich, CT. That trip got cancelled, but I still had plans to stop by my friend's lovely summer house in Chatham. I wasn't going to say no. Besides, I got LOVELY pictures of neighborhood roses and her house which is an antique 3/4-Cape house built around 1700.
Different images of the home including 12/12 original window on the tree side of the house. Many additions over the centuries include dormer windows on the second floor.

Interior Details

One of the potential hallmarks of Cape Cod-style homes was the "borning room." This home has one. Also called sick rooms, they could be easily accessed by two doors and enabled the nursing mother or sick person to have care from the busy housewife. I think I saw another one a long time ago at the Deane Winthrop House in Winthrop, MA.
